Prudentia, Aequitatis,
Temperantia, Fortitudo,
Gravitas, Pietas,
Dignitas, Virtus
Current Entertainment Clients - Licensing, Subsidiary Rights, Consulting
Victor Banerjee (Globally, except India) Jose Solano
Brian Schultz
PAST PROJECTS (partial list)
Zonked Out – Any Place Theatre, Lynn Middleton, director; Tracers – Theatre Row (Off-Broadway) Noel Cassler, director; Ion Ionescu – Live at Carnegie Hall; Arthur Giron’s Voltaire – Theatre Row (Off-Broadway); Ed Malone’s Three Irish Widows Versus The Rest of the World – Stage Left Studios, NY (Off Broadway); Ed Malone’s The Ballad of Charlie and Cate – The Irish Rep, NY (Off-Broadway); Frank Cossa’s The Bishop & The Boys (reading) – The Irish Rep, NY (Off-Broadway), Ed Malone, director; The Magical Adventures of Swankypants & A Little Owl Called Hooty (Swankypants Books Ltd.); Around the World (in-house infomercial) - Bristol-Myers-Squibb; - Microchip Inc.; - Resorb Networks Inc.; Six Niggas in a Cadillac (film) - Michael Jude Murphy, director; hundreds of photoshoots - commercial print, high fashion & headshots and much more.
32 years as a motion picture/television/theatre talent, literary, IP agent/packager/entertainment, advertising & hospitality consultant. “Claim to Fame”: Discovered and launched the only latino performer ever to have one (1) billion audience/week for three (3) consecutive seasons on network (and syndicated) television, Jose Solano – BAYWATCH.